Having protein with breakfast can optimize your brain s ability to send messages to the rest of your body helping you wake up If you combine protein with carbohydrates your body will gradually digest your breakfast staving off hunger and keeping you energized

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Komal Patel,  breakfast, healthybreakfast, protein, proteinbreakfast, satiety, energise, healthyhabits, komalpatel, breakfasts, healthyfood, breakfastlover, proteins

Having protein with breakfast can optimize your brain's ability to send messages to the rest of your body, helping you wake up. If you combine protein with carbohydrates, your body will gradually digest your breakfast, staving off hunger and keeping you energized.
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Having protein with breakfast can optimize your brain's ability to send messages to the rest of your body, helping you wake up. If you combine protein with carbohydrates, your body will gradually digest your breakfast, staving off hunger and keeping you energized. #breakfast #healthybreakfast #protein #proteinbreakfast #satiety #energise #healthyhabits #komalpatel #breakfasts #healthyfood #breakfastlover #proteins

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