Moderation is the key to healthy leaving Portion size in every meals is important whether it is a healthy meal or cheat meal Do not overload your stomach with extra food it becomes hard for our body to digest and Renault in many health problems from acidity to bloating and even excess weight

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Komal Patel,  moderation, healthyeating, portionsize, meal, stomach, guthealth, digestion, eatsmart, eathealthy, smarteating, moderation, portioncontrol

Moderation is the key to healthy leaving...
Portion size in every meals is important whether it is a healthy meal or cheat meal.
Do not overload your stomach with extra food it becomes hard for our body to digest and Renault in many health problems from acidity, to bloating and even excess weight.
#moderation #healthyeating #portionsize #meal #stomach #guthealth #digestion #eatsmart #eathealthy #smarteating #moderation #portioncontrol

Moderation is the key to healthy leaving... Portion size in every meals is important whether it is a healthy meal or cheat meal. Do not overload your stomach with extra food it becomes hard for our body to digest and Renault in many health problems from acidity, to bloating and even excess weight. #moderation #healthyeating #portionsize #meal #stomach #guthealth #digestion #eatsmart #eathealthy #smarteating #moderation #portioncontrol

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