an apple a day keeps constipation at bay Constipation occurs for a number of reasons but an apple s fiber content can help to alleviate this gastrointestinal condition and allow you to have bowel movements with ease and regularity

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Komal Patel,  homeremedies, apple, constipation, digestion, fiber, vitamins, minerals, anappleaday, diet, health, nutrition

an apple a day keeps constipation at bay. Constipation occurs for a number of reasons, but an apple's fiber content can help to alleviate this gastrointestinal condition and allow you to have bowel movements with ease and regularity.
#homeremedies #apple #constipation #digestion #fiber #vitamins #minerals #anappleaday #diet #health #nutrition

an apple a day keeps constipation at bay. Constipation occurs for a number of reasons, but an apple's fiber content can help to alleviate this gastrointestinal condition and allow you to have bowel movements with ease and regularity. #homeremedies #apple #constipation #digestion #fiber #vitamins #minerals #anappleaday #diet #health #nutrition

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