Mindful eating involves savoring food as you eat it consuming small portions eating slowly and chewing thoroughly

mindfuleating, healthathome, eating, mindful, portionsize, instafood, nutrionist, hungry, foods, komalpatel

Komal Patel,  mindfuleating, healthathome, eating, mindful, portionsize, instafood, nutrionist, hungry, foods, komalpatel

Mindful eating involves savoring food as you eat it, consuming small portions, eating slowly, and chewing thoroughly.
#mindfuleating #healthathome #eating #mindful #portionsize #instafood #nutrionist #hungry #foods #komalpatel

Mindful eating involves savoring food as you eat it, consuming small portions, eating slowly, and chewing thoroughly. #mindfuleating #healthathome #eating #mindful #portionsize #instafood #nutrionist #hungry #foods #komalpatel

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