An egg omlet made with egg yolk is an easy little prep healthy breakfast While most of the protein in an egg is found in the egg white the fat vitamins and minerals are found mostly in the egg yolk One conventionally grown egg yolk contains between 18 and 39 IU of vitamin D which can help to make up for the requirement

healthybreakfast, breakfast, healthyeating, eggs, protein, vitamind, minerals, healthyfats

Komal Patel,  healthybreakfast, breakfast, healthyeating, eggs, protein, vitamind, minerals, healthyfats

An egg omlet made with egg yolk is an easy, little prep healthy breakfast..
While most of the protein in an egg is found in the egg white, the fat, vitamins and minerals are found mostly in the egg yolk. One conventionally grown egg yolk contains between 18 and 39 IU of vitamin D which can help to make up for the requirement...
#healthybreakfast #breakfast #healthyeating #eggs #protein #vitamind #minerals #healthyfats

An egg omlet made with egg yolk is an easy, little prep healthy breakfast.. While most of the protein in an egg is found in the egg white, the fat, vitamins and minerals are found mostly in the egg yolk. One conventionally grown egg yolk contains between 18 and 39 IU of vitamin D which can help to make up for the requirement... #healthybreakfast #breakfast #healthyeating #eggs #protein #vitamind #minerals #healthyfats

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