9 drink up mindful consumption of water can help us heal set a reminder to drink a glass of water every hour

21dayhealthyhabitschallenge, dshealthyhabitchallenge, komalpatel, dtkomalpatel, healthyhabits, healthylifestyle, health, diet, weightloss, lifestyle, dietitian, sunexposure, vitamind, meditation

Komal Patel,  21dayhealthyhabitschallenge, dshealthyhabitchallenge, komalpatel, dtkomalpatel, healthyhabits, healthylifestyle, health, diet, weightloss, lifestyle, dietitian, sunexposure, vitamind, meditation

9. drink up
mindful consumption of water can help us heal.
set a reminder to drink a glass of water every hour.

#21dayhealthyhabitschallenge #dshealthyhabitchallenge #komalpatel #dtkomalpatel #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #health #diet #weightloss #lifestyle #dietitian #sunexposure #vitamind #meditation

9. drink up mindful consumption of water can help us heal. set a reminder to drink a glass of water every hour. #21dayhealthyhabitschallenge #dshealthyhabitchallenge #komalpatel #dtkomalpatel #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #health #diet #weightloss #lifestyle #dietitian #sunexposure #vitamind #meditation

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