A realistic goal is one that is both challenging and achievable So for better result quality sleep proper workout and healthy eating are essentials for healthy weight loss

weightloss, fatloss, fat, fit, fitness, qualitysleep, challenge, achieve, result, healthyliving, dietitian, coach, wellness

Komal Patel,  weightloss, fatloss, fat, fit, fitness, qualitysleep, challenge, achieve, result, healthyliving, dietitian, coach, wellness

A realistic goal is one that is both challenging and achievable.
So for better result quality sleep, proper workout and healthy eating are essentials for healthy weight loss.
#weightloss #fatloss #fat #fit #fitness #qualitysleep #challenge #achieve #result #healthyliving #dietitian #coach #wellness

A realistic goal is one that is both challenging and achievable. So for better result quality sleep, proper workout and healthy eating are essentials for healthy weight loss. #weightloss #fatloss #fat #fit #fitness #qualitysleep #challenge #achieve #result #healthyliving #dietitian #coach #wellness

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