Go with your gut Healthy digestion is about what you choose to full your stomach Not all calories will leave you feel satiated The less satiated you are the more your mind demands for food If weight loss is your goal Maximizing food volume through veggies and other higher volume food options can help curb hunger

guthealth, digestion, foodchoice, satity, healthyeating, dietitian, komalpatel

Komal Patel,  guthealth, digestion, foodchoice, satity, healthyeating, dietitian, komalpatel

Go with your gut.
Healthy digestion is about what you choose to full your stomach. Not all calories will leave you feel satiated.
The less satiated you are, the more your mind demands for food.
If weight loss is your goal, Maximizing food volume through veggies and other higher volume food options can help curb hunger.
#guthealth #digestion #foodchoice #satity #healthyeating
#dietitian #komalpatel

Go with your gut. Healthy digestion is about what you choose to full your stomach. Not all calories will leave you feel satiated. The less satiated you are, the more your mind demands for food. If weight loss is your goal, Maximizing food volume through veggies and other higher volume food options can help curb hunger. #guthealth #digestion #foodchoice #satity #healthyeating #dietitian #komalpatel

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