When faced with an energy slump in the afternoon it can be tempting to head out for a sugary or salty snack fix Not anymore Here are some healthy snacking options to suit all taste buds A fruit A healthy vegetable sandwich A handful nuts

officesnacks, healthysnack, fruit, sandwich, nuts, fillers, healthyfillers, healthyeating

Komal Patel,  officesnacks, healthysnack, fruit, sandwich, nuts, fillers, healthyfillers, healthyeating

When faced with an energy slump in the afternoon it can be tempting to head out for a sugary or salty snack fix. Not anymore! Here are some healthy snacking options to suit all taste buds.
A fruit
A healthy vegetable sandwich
A handful nuts....
#officesnacks #healthysnack #fruit #sandwich #nuts #fillers #healthyfillers #healthyeating

When faced with an energy slump in the afternoon it can be tempting to head out for a sugary or salty snack fix. Not anymore! Here are some healthy snacking options to suit all taste buds. A fruit A healthy vegetable sandwich A handful nuts.... #officesnacks #healthysnack #fruit #sandwich #nuts #fillers #healthyfillers #healthyeating

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