On the occasion of world health day 2016 WHO issues a call for action on diabetes Diabetes has been growing at an alarming rate in India There is a need to draw attention to take steps to prevent and treat diabetes A sedentary lifestyle and imbalanced diet leads to obesity which is a common cause of diabetes among people Invest in your health through balanced diet and exercise Prevent treat and beat diabetes

dieitiankomal, diabeticeducator, diabeticdiet

Komal Patel,  dieitiankomal, diabeticeducator, diabeticdiet

On the occasion of world health day 2016, WHO issues a call for action on diabetes. Diabetes has been growing at an alarming rate in India.
There is a need to draw attention to take steps to prevent and treat diabetes.
A sedentary lifestyle and imbalanced diet leads to obesity which is a common cause of diabetes among people.
Invest in your health through balanced diet and exercise. Prevent treat and beat diabetes.
#dieitiankomal #diabeticeducator #diabeticdiet

On the occasion of world health day 2016, WHO issues a call for action on diabetes. Diabetes has been growing at an alarming rate in India. There is a need to draw attention to take steps to prevent and treat diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle and imbalanced diet leads to obesity which is a common cause of diabetes among people. Invest in your health through balanced diet and exercise. Prevent treat and beat diabetes. #dieitiankomal #diabeticeducator #diabeticdiet http://dietitiankomal.zest.md

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