move your body Nutrition doesn t end at what we eat Encourage yourself and make exercise integral part of your life Increase your activity by including walk for 5 10 min in between every hour

21dayhealthyhabitschallenge, dshealthyhabitchallenge, komalpatel, dtkomalpatel, healthyhabits, healthylifestyle, health, diet, weightloss, lifestyle, dietitian, sunexposure, vitamind, meditation

Komal Patel,  21dayhealthyhabitschallenge, dshealthyhabitchallenge, komalpatel, dtkomalpatel, healthyhabits, healthylifestyle, health, diet, weightloss, lifestyle, dietitian, sunexposure, vitamind, meditation

move your body
Nutrition doesn’t end at what we eat. Encourage yourself and make exercise integral part of your life. Increase your activity by including walk for 5-10 min in between every hour.

#21dayhealthyhabitschallenge #dshealthyhabitchallenge #komalpatel #dtkomalpatel #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #health #diet #weightloss #lifestyle #dietitian #sunexposure #vitamind #meditation

move your body Nutrition doesn’t end at what we eat. Encourage yourself and make exercise integral part of your life. Increase your activity by including walk for 5-10 min in between every hour. #21dayhealthyhabitschallenge #dshealthyhabitchallenge #komalpatel #dtkomalpatel #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #health #diet #weightloss #lifestyle #dietitian #sunexposure #vitamind #meditation

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