If you re healthy you can eat eggs guilt free Nutritionally eggs have a lot to offer With about 70 calories in one large egg they re a great source of protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and provides structure to the body Egg protein is also high quality providing all the essential amino acids

eggs, healthyprotein, protein, eggyolk

Komal Patel,  eggs, healthyprotein, protein, eggyolk

If you're healthy, you can eat eggs guilt-free.
Nutritionally, eggs have a lot to offer. With about 70 calories in one large egg, they're a great source of protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and provides structure to the body. Egg protein is also high quality, providing all the essential amino acids.
#eggs #healthyprotein #protein #eggyolk

If you're healthy, you can eat eggs guilt-free. Nutritionally, eggs have a lot to offer. With about 70 calories in one large egg, they're a great source of protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and provides structure to the body. Egg protein is also high quality, providing all the essential amino acids. #eggs #healthyprotein #protein #eggyolk

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