He has been the ever enthusiastic ambassador of fitness May he always be blessed with good health fitness

HappyBirthdayShriNarendraModi, NarendraModi, Modi, Modiji, Birthday, pmofIndia, KomalPatel, GoodHealth, DietPlan, DietConsultation

Komal Patel,  HappyBirthdayShriNarendraModi, NarendraModi, Modi, Modiji, Birthday, pmofIndia, KomalPatel, GoodHealth, DietPlan, DietConsultation

He has been the ever enthusiastic ambassador of fitness;
May he always be blessed with good health & fitness!

#HappyBirthdayShriNarendraModi #NarendraModi #Modi #Modiji #Birthday #pmofIndia #KomalPatel #GoodHealth #DietPlan #DietConsultation

He has been the ever enthusiastic ambassador of fitness; May he always be blessed with good health & fitness! #HappyBirthdayShriNarendraModi #NarendraModi #Modi #Modiji #Birthday #pmofIndia #KomalPatel #GoodHealth #DietPlan #DietConsultation

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