About half of women with PCOS will have weight gain and obesity that is difficult to manage This PCOS symptom is often caused by high levels of androgens coupled with insulin resistance and a reduced BMR

pcos, pcoslife, symptoms, weightgain, fatgain, fats

Komal Patel,  pcos, pcoslife, symptoms, weightgain, fatgain, fats

About half of women with PCOS will have weight gain and obesity that is difficult to manage. This PCOS symptom is often caused by high levels of androgens coupled with insulin resistance and a reduced BMR.

#pcos #pcoslife #symptoms #weightgain #fatgain #fats

About half of women with PCOS will have weight gain and obesity that is difficult to manage. This PCOS symptom is often caused by high levels of androgens coupled with insulin resistance and a reduced BMR. #pcos #pcoslife #symptoms #weightgain #fatgain #fats

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