Fruit that is rich in vitamin c fiber and antioxidants Star fruit or carambola one for local fruit to try on and include in your diet Star fruit health benefits includes promoting digestion supporting weight loss maintaining cardiovascular health supporting eyesight relieving pain fighting infections fighting inflammation boosting immune system regulating sugar level and enhancing the skin

starfruit, seasonalfruit, localfruit, health, carambola

Komal Patel,  starfruit, seasonalfruit, localfruit, health, carambola

Fruit that is rich in vitamin c, fiber and antioxidants.
Star fruit or carambola one for local fruit to try on and include in your diet

Star fruit health benefits includes
promoting digestion
supporting weight loss
maintaining cardiovascular health
supporting eyesight
relieving pain,
fighting infections.
fighting inflammation,
boosting immune system,
regulating sugar level
and enhancing the skin.

#starfruit #seasonalfruit #localfruit #health #carambola

Fruit that is rich in vitamin c, fiber and antioxidants. Star fruit or carambola one for local fruit to try on and include in your diet Star fruit health benefits includes promoting digestion supporting weight loss maintaining cardiovascular health supporting eyesight relieving pain, fighting infections. fighting inflammation, boosting immune system, regulating sugar level and enhancing the skin. #starfruit #seasonalfruit #localfruit #health #carambola

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