Don t Skip Sleep to Score High on Finals Sleep is an active process where the brain works to heal the body by producing hormones beneficial for repair and growth This is also the time for the brain to consolidate memories of what we studied and learned that day

sleep, exams, brain, exam, examnutrition, exams, dosanddonts, examstress, examhealth, examweek

Komal Patel,  sleep, exams, brain, exam, examnutrition, exams, dosanddonts, examstress, examhealth, examweek

Don’t Skip Sleep to Score High on Finals...
Sleep is an active process where the brain works to heal the body by producing hormones beneficial for repair and growth. This is also the time for the brain to consolidate memories of what we studied and learned that day.
#sleep #exams #brain #exam #examnutrition #exams #dosanddonts #examstress #examhealth #examweek

Don’t Skip Sleep to Score High on Finals... Sleep is an active process where the brain works to heal the body by producing hormones beneficial for repair and growth. This is also the time for the brain to consolidate memories of what we studied and learned that day. #sleep #exams #brain #exam #examnutrition #exams #dosanddonts #examstress #examhealth #examweek

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