As we all know Karela is known to Lowe blood sugar it s is also an extremely rich source of vitamin C which helps boost immunity It also has powerful antiviral property which stimulates the immune system and also aids in digestion

karela, bittergourd, sugar, immunity, vitamin, vision, seasonal, vegetables

Komal Patel,  karela, bittergourd, sugar, immunity, vitamin, vision, seasonal, vegetables

As we all know Karela is known to Lowe blood sugar it’s is also an extremely rich source of vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. It also has powerful antiviral property, which stimulates the immune system and also aids in digestion.
#karela #bittergourd #sugar #immunity #vitamin #vision #seasonal #vegetables

As we all know Karela is known to Lowe blood sugar it’s is also an extremely rich source of vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. It also has powerful antiviral property, which stimulates the immune system and also aids in digestion. #karela #bittergourd #sugar #immunity #vitamin #vision #seasonal #vegetables

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